Dog Trivia: Think You Know Everything About the Canine World?

We have collected some curiosities from the world of dogs, a small overview of their generalities and some little gems that you may not know.
Do you think you know everything about Dogs? We are sure that many of you are big fans ! We have collected some curiosities from the world of Dogs , a small overview of their generalities and some little gems that perhaps you do not know.
In this article we also wrote some advice on the correct nutrition for each breed of dog and for all the others!
The Dog or Loppis is a mammal belonging to the order of carnivores and belongs to the family of canids , like wolves, coyotes, jackals and foxes.
The average age of a dog ranges from 8 to 16 years but varies greatly depending on its size. Generally, the smaller they are, the longer they live: the oldest dog known to exist lived to be 29 years old !
Dogs and humans share a lot of their lives, but maybe you didn't know that they share 75% of their genetic code . Is this why they are so similar in character? At the same time, dogs have better night vision than humans and can hear sounds 225 meters away. Furthermore, dogs don't sweat like us humans, but through only one part of their body: the pads of their feet ! To cool themselves, they use their nostrils : the longer their snout, the easier it is for them to do so.
The Dog, although considered a carnivore , in many studies is considered omnivorous as it is able to adapt to a broad-spectrum diet . In fact, it does not depend on a diet based solely on animal protein , nor on a high protein content. The Dog is able to digest a wide variety of foods, thanks to the structure of its digestive system: vegetables , fruit and cereals must be included in its diet . Compared to other canids such as the wolf, it is able to digest the starch contained in cereals.
No other species in the world is known to have such a diversity of breeds as the Dog: there are even over 800 of them! But, do you know everything about Dog breeds?
It's the Chihuahua ! Many of you will have surely guessed. It is small only physically: those who have ever had the fortune of having one will know that it does not feel small at all, on the contrary! It does not behave like a weak dog, generally it has a very sweet character and is inclined to play. The recommended diet is Aldog in the Mini size , the smallest kibble format available to us and certainly more suited to its physicality.
The largest dog breed is the Great Dane . It is part of the Molosser family, of giant and muscular size, very attached to the owner . For them, we recommend Aldog Molosso , which helps muscle growth and high performance . The St. Bernard ( Heidi 's, to be clear) is also part of this family, considered the heaviest dog breed in the world but, if well nourished, this heavy mountain athlete has a rather elegant bearing.
The fastest is the Greyhound , a sighthound: the typical hunting dog that can reach a speed of over 60km/h ! It is an excellent companion dog, born for hunting, who likes freedom . For this reason we recommend Aldog Agility if the dog is in training and does a lot of physical activity.