Dog food kibble size: how to choose?

Feb 23, 2022
Dimensioni crocchette cani: come sceglierle?

Choosing the right size of dog food is very important, even if we often don't realize it. Let's find out why and how to find the right ones!

Finding the most suitable food for our furry friend is a process that requires a lot of attention, in fact during the choice we tend to take into consideration many elements such as the taste, the consistency and the composition of the kibble... but it's not enough!

The size of the kibble is another aspect that should not be overlooked when choosing your dog's food: let's see why and how to make a correct evaluation.

What does the size of dog kibble depend on?

{"type":"root","children":[{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"Here is the golden rule: the size of dog kibble should be chosen based on the "},{"type":"text","value":"size of the dog","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" . For a small dog, small-sized kibble is more suitable, while for larger dogs, larger-sized kibble is more suitable."}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":" "},{"type":"text","value":"Why?","italic":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":" This precaution serves first of all to "},{"type":"text","value":"promote chewing","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" , a fundamental function for our dogs. In fact, good chewing brings with it important benefits such as:"}]},{"type":"list","listType":"unordered","children":[{"type":"text","value":"\n"},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"type":"text","value":" "},{"type":"text","value":"cleaning of teeth","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" and gum line"}]},{"type":"text","value":"\n"},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"type":"text","value":" maintenance of the "},{"type":"text","value":"masticatory muscles","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":"\n"}]},{"type":"text","value":"\n"},{"type":"list-item","children":[{"type":"text","value":" "},{"type":"text","value":"correct chewing rhythm","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" that allows the dog to feel fuller because, since the kibble is neither too big nor too small, it allows him to eat more slowly and therefore not to \"binge\"."}]},{"type":"text","value":"\n"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"In reference to this last point, here is the second reason why it is important to choose the right size kibble: "},{"type":"text","value":"to avoid the risk of feeling sick","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" ."}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":" If a small dog eats kibble that is too large, it could run the "},{"type":"text","value":"risk of choking,","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" precisely because it is not able to chew its food properly. Similarly, giving a maxi dog kibble that is too small is also not good, this time because it would most likely tend to "},{"type":"text","value":"swallow the kibble","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" without chewing it, risking it swelling in the stomach with consequent "},{"type":"text","value":"gastrointestinal problems.","bold":true}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":" That said, "},{"type":"text","value":"don't panic","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" : as you've seen, choosing the right size of dog kibble is much simpler than it seems... you just have to pay a little attention!"}]},{"type":"paragraph","children":[{"type":"text","value":"The same goes for quantities: check out our article on "},{"type":"text","value":"how much a dog should eat","bold":true},{"type":"text","value":" ."}]}]}

The dimensions of Aldog® dog biscuits

For Aldog® it is very important that the nutrition of our furry friends is not only tasty, healthy and balanced, but also and above all safe.

This is why the size of the puppy biscuits has been revised, and this year they have a new look: the medium size has in fact shrunk from 1.4 cm to 1 cm!

Why? To help puppies develop their chewing skills at their best!

In fact, puppy growth is the most delicate phase for a dog, which is why it is important to make sure that their diet is perfectly in line with their needs !

Other aspects to consider when choosing kibble

After having seen together what to base the choice of dog food size on, let's briefly recall which other elements are best to evaluate during the choice:

  • the correct intake of proteins , vegetables and carbohydrates

  • a sufficient quantity of meat , carefully selected and easily digestible

  • healthy , natural ingredients from a controlled supply chain
  • the presence of important nutrients such as FOS prebiotics for correct intestinal activity, but also linseed oil or salmon oil for coat care to make it shiny and bright… just to name a few.

Don't worry if you don't "guess" the best kibble for your four-legged friend at the first try, every dog ​​is different and so are their needs! However, if you want to be safe, maybe you should take a look at our Aldog® natural dog kibble : tasty , healthy and Italian !

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