Kibble or Wet Food: Which Is Best for My Dog?

Apr 10, 2024
Crocchette o cibo umido: cosa è meglio per il mio cane?

Pet food now comes in different shapes, sizes and flavors, so much so that it is difficult for the owner to choose between kibble or wet food.

Let's start by saying that there is no best food in an absolute sense because every dog ​​has its own preferences . Other factors also come into play when choosing food, such as the breed, size, age, and sex of our four-legged friend.

Differences between dry and wet food

From a nutritional point of view, with high-quality dry food, the dog's needs are completely satisfied . Unlike cats, dogs have no problem drinking: if fed only kibble, they drink more water and maintain their hydration.

However, much of the food gratification is lost, because a kibble is not as fragrant as a wet food. This is why it is so difficult to make a dry product palatable, but we at Aldog ® know it and we are constantly working to find the perfect solution!

An example? Our kibbles do not contain colorants or preservatives , which means that we only use natural organoleptic additives such as chestnut extract . The latter, in addition to giving the food an inviting scent, contributes to the health of the coat and skin because it has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

It is also true, on the other hand, that feeding the dog only with wet food does not facilitate chewing, which is instead very important because, as a carnivore, it needs to make teeth and gums stronger and cleaner. If the dog eats quickly without chewing well, it compromises digestion which, as we know, begins in the mouth.

Find in just a few moments the right food for your dog based on size, age, food intolerances:

Pros and Cons of Dry Food

The following table lists the main pros and cons of a kibble-based diet for your dog.

Soddisfa pienamente le esigenze nutrizionali del cane Perdita parziale di appetibilità
Migliore conservazione Minore quantità di acqua
Gengive sane e forti e denti senza tartaro  
Maggior risparmio economico  

Pros and cons of wet food

And what about wet food ?

Più appetibile Meno completo dal punto di vista nutrizionale
Maggiore quantità di acqua Conservazione più complessa
  Meno conveniente dal punto di vista economico

So is giving only kibble to your dog harmful?

Given the pros and cons of dry and wet food , you may be wondering if feeding your dog only kibble is really the best choice. Considering that kibble perfectly meets your dog's nutritional needs , offering convenience of storage and cost savings thanks to its shelf life and convenient formats , the answer is: no, it's not harmful at all .

In fact, choosing quality kibble can be a very healthy choice for your four-legged friend. Kibble not only promotes good dental health , but also strong and healthy gums . Plus, with a wide range of flavors available, you can be sure to find your dog’s favorite, ensuring a tasty and nutritious meal .

At Aldog® we prefer dry food. But what are the reasons for this choice?

We believe in a complete and balanced diet for dogs, which is why we chose kibble .

However, this does not mean that the cans cannot be used as a supplement to the dog's diet or as a "treat" or snack for our furry friend. In fact, the dog is a social animal, lives in a pack and the meal plays a fundamental role in coexistence with its peers and also with us humans. Food gratification is a method often used to encourage correct behavior and to strengthen the relationship between them and us .

You may think that we are certainly biased, but there is a fundamental reason why dry food is preferable to wet food . We have a long experience in the sector and a great knowledge developed in collaboration with breeders , which led us to choose it.

Let's clarify a fundamental point right away: we firmly believe in giving dogs a correct and balanced diet, which is appetizing, natural and of high quality , like Aldog® Super Premium . Every dog ​​has particular needs and we must not underestimate its preferences: just like us, it can prefer one food rather than another, a type of meat and sometimes be oriented towards fish.

Furthermore, when choosing food for our dog, we must also consider other factors such as size, age, breed, any allergies or food intolerances and even the type of life , more or less sedentary. Therefore, we at Aldog® have thought of different types of mini, medium and maxi kibble for dogs:

  • puppies, adults and seniors
  • intolerant or allergic – Aldog® food is gluten-free
  • small, medium or large in size
  • who require a low-calorie or single-protein diet
  • pregnant women
  • sportsmen

Our kibbles are truly designed for everyone! Discover them on our shop

What Pet Vets and Nutritionists Say

Veterinarians and pet nutritionists agree that it is necessary to take into account some important specific characteristics of the dog , such as breed, age, sex, physical activity, health status and some pathologies related to food allergies.

Dogs often orient themselves towards a particular food, so the choice is very subjective. That said, it is also a question of how we want to accustom the dog: as long as the diet is complete, even if mixed.

And how to regulate the quantities? Check out our article on how much should a dog eat .

What Dogs Say

The dog is a carnivorous mammal, but this does not mean that it must feed exclusively on meat. In nature, carnivores also directly or indirectly ingest substances other than those found in meat. Some do not disdain fruit or in any case ingest different quantities of food, feeding on whole prey and offal present in the latter.

In nature, therefore, the diet is diversified, and the dog also needs a diet that integrates animal proteins with other nutritional elements . In Aldog ® dry food , for example, there are also:

  • prebiotics (FOS and MOS) for the balance of intestinal flora, the production of solid and compact stools and the development of natural defenses
  • Choline Chloride to assimilate fats and prevent excess deposits in the liver
  • Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids for a shiny and glossy coat – they are especially essential for puppies
  • cereals subjected to double cooking to ensure greater digestibility of the starches

Fish, pork, lamb, rabbit, gluten-free, rice: there's something for everyone

But how do the dog's two main senses intervene in the choice of food?

Let's see what the differences are and what prevails.

TASTE PERCEPTION – Number of taste buds

  • Man: 9,000
  • Dog: 1,700
  • Cat: 470

OLFACTORY PERCEPTION – Square centimeters of olfactory mucosa

  • Man: 3-4 cm2
  • Dog: 18-150 cm2 (increases depending on the shape of the dog's nose)
  • Cat: 20 cm2

In short, dogs choose foods mainly with their nose , that is, by the scent that is released by the food, and then they taste it.

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