How Dog Food Is Made

How does the production of dog food work? Although today different techniques have been developed, the goal is always the same: to keep all the nutritional properties intact and enhance the flavor. Find out what it is!

Let's see on this page:

  • How Dog Food Is Made
  • The ideal formulation of dog kibble
  • Freedog® dog biscuits

How Dog Food Is Made

The production of dog biscuits follows a rather long process, which can be summarised in five main phases : let's look at them together point by point.

Grinding and mixing of raw materials

First of all, the raw materials (vitamins, proteins, fats, cereals and mineral salts) are collected and ground and mixed to create a homogeneous mixture.


Once the mixture has been prepared, it will be transferred to an extruder, a multi-segmented barrel inside which the feed is cooked in order to destroy any toxic substances and therefore achieve a sort of “sterilization”.

This phase is very fast and occurs at very high temperatures, between 80 and 200 degrees . Once the extrusion process is complete, the feed is ready to be cut and shaped into a kibble.

Drying and cooling

Once the actual kibble has been created, the third production phase involves subjecting it to a drying and cooling phase. This process is quite delicate as it is necessary to ensure that the kibble is not dried too quickly, risking breaking it, and at the same time ensure that it is not too hot when packaged, as this could cause the formation of mold. The ideal is in fact to maintain a final humidity level of no more than 10%, which prevents the growth of bacteria and at the same time extends the shelf life of the kibble.


The final step in the dog food production process is greasing. This involves coating the dog food with fats and flavor enhancers to enhance the flavor of the dog food and make it tastier.

The ideal formulation of dog kibble

Once you understand how dog food is produced, it is also important to know the most suitable raw materials to make the food healthy, tasty and natural.

For kibble to be considered quality, production must include:

• First choice animal proteins ;

Animal fats to ensure a higher energy intake;

Vitamins, minerals and supplements such as chondroitin, glucosamine, taurine, omega 3 and omega 6 which ensure the development and well-being of the dog from various points of view: retinal health, shiny and glossy coat, strengthening of the joints, assimilation of fats;

Easily digestible cereals , such as rice, to satisfy the needs of even the most sensitive or intolerant dogs.

In addition to this, it is essential that the products are free from preservatives and colorants and are therefore completely natural .

But how can you be sure that your dog food meets all these requirements? By carefully reading the label !

If you have doubts about how to interpret it correctly, take a look at our article on how to read the kibble label without making mistakes !

Freedog® dog biscuits

Freedog® has been producing dog food for breeding for years, paying extreme attention to the choice of raw materials in order to guarantee puppies the best possible nutrition.

Freedog® products are suitable for dogs of all breeds and sizes and are characterised by the presence of a large quantity of meat and few cereals .

Our dog biscuits are completely Made in Italy and are natural , genuine , tasty and gluten-free , in order to satisfy the most common problems of dogs in breeding, namely:

• Poor palatability;

• Gastrointestinal disorders;

• Dermatological, muscular and joint problems.

The production of Freedog® dog kibble includes products based on pork , rabbit , salmon and lamb , all available in a single 20 kg format with Mini , Medium and Maxi kibble sizes.


Find out more about our dog food production!