Gluten-free dog food: what to know and how to choose it

Jan 17, 2023
Crocchette per cani gluten free: cosa sapere e come sceglierle

Do you want to buy gluten-free dog food for your furry friend? In this article, you will find out everything you need to know about this special food and how to choose the best food!

Have you noticed that your dog has trouble digesting his kibble? Are you worried that he may have celiac disease? Then you're in the right place!

How to Understand That Your Dog Needs a Gluten Free Diet

First of all, it is important to know that celiac disease in dogs appears between 3 and 6 months of age .

It can be relatively easy to notice this little problem, in fact there are several symptoms that can appear in your four-legged friend.

Among the main ones we find:

  • Frequent vomiting and diarrhea ;
  • Sudden weight loss and low vitality;
  • Frequent sneezing , a symptom of irritation in the nose and throat;
    Persistent itching : if we notice that the dog tends to scratch, especially in the anal area, it is likely that he suffers from celiac disease;
  • Convulsions .

If you notice one or more of these disorders, the best thing to do is to go immediately to the vet, who will confirm or deny the intolerance and, if the answer is yes, will advise you to adapt your dog's diet to make it totally gluten-free.

In fact, there are several gluten-free dog biscuits available on the market, such as those from Aldog® , which offers two lines dedicated to dogs with this disorder.

Aldog® gluten free dog biscuits

The levels of gluten intolerance in dogs are not all the same . In fact, there are cases in which the consumption of cereal-containing kibble must be absolutely avoided due to the strong disorders it can cause, but there are also situations in which the intolerance is much milder, so it is sufficient to reduce the amount of gluten to make our dog feel better, without necessarily removing it completely.

Regarding the first case, Aldog® has created a new line of kibble for dogs intolerant to gluten .

Aldog® Grain Free

Aldog® Grain Free is the gluten-free dog food line, perfect for all our four-legged friends with some celiac disease problems.

Aldog fire pig

Aldog® Grain Free is the gluten-free dog food line, perfect for all our four-legged friends with some celiac disease problems.

Aldog® Low Grain

In cases where there is no real gluten allergy, but rather a mild intolerance, Aldog® has just introduced a new line of dedicated dog biscuits: Aldog® Low Grain.

The products in this line are intended for dogs that have difficulty digesting gluten and are characterised by a minimal quantity of cereals, often whole grain or in any case with a very low gluten content.

Let's look at them in more detail:

Aldog® Alps

Aldog® Alpi : based on buffalo and trout , these croquettes for adult dogs contain very few cereals and, thanks to the presence of salmon oil, help make the coat soft and shiny.

Aldog® Garda

Aldog® Garda : these single-protein duck -based croquettes are rich in prebiotics FOS to maintain the intestinal well-being of the dog and tapioca, useful for promoting digestibility.

Aldog® Mediterranean

Aldog® Mediterraneo : these croquettes, finally, are ideal for dogs that need a fish-based diet. Always with few cereals and lots of meat, this product is ideal for promoting digestibility and for keeping the coat shiny and bright.

All the advantages of our dog food

In addition to the availability of specific lines of gluten-free dog biscuits, Aldog® offers a wide range of products for puppies, adult and senior dogs, all characterised by:

  • Lots of top-quality meat and few cereals, double-cooked for better digestibility;
  • Completely natural ingredients, so no colorants or preservatives ;
  • Lots of vitamins, proteins and mineral salts;
  • FOS prebiotics to best maintain the balance of intestinal flora.

With our kibble your dog is always safe , try it and believe it!

Find out more about our gluten free dog food!

Remember to read the instructions on the package!

When it comes to the health of our faithful companions, every detail counts, especially in the case of dogs with celiac disease or obvious food intolerances.

Buying gluten-free kibble is not enough to guarantee a balanced diet, which must be studied on the basis of ingredients, vitamins and caloric intake.

But how can you get all this information?

Even if they are too often ignored, the indications on the packages come to our aid. Before purchasing any type of gluten-free dog food, pay attention to:

  • Ingredients : In addition to making sure that the food is grain-free, check all the foods listed on the package. There may be additional substances that your dog is allergic or intolerant to;
  • Caloric intake : it is essential to maintain the ideal weight of your dog. Do not overdo it, gluten free dog biscuits are not dietetic!
  • Recommended Feeding Rates : Following the guidelines helps ensure a balanced diet and prevents overfeeding or nutritional deficiencies.

Reading the contents of a package of gluten-free dog food may not sound like an enticing activity, but it will allow you to avoid ingredients that are harmful to your four-legged friend, ensuring he receives a complete and balanced meal.

Aldog®: the responsible choice for your dog

Our gluten free dog biscuits are the ideal choice for those who want a healthy and quality diet for their pet. Here's why:

  • 100% Italian quality : all our products combine the typical Italian experience of cooking, putting it at the service of our most faithful companions;
  • Controlled ingredients : the raw materials are carefully selected, excluding substances harmful to celiac dogs;
  • Variety of Flavors : We offer a wide range of flavors to satisfy even the most demanding palates: chicken, pork, fish, beef, and more.

For almost thirty years, Aldog® has been synonymous with reliability in the high-quality dog ​​food market: our dedication is reflected in the care we put into producing gluten-free dog food, ensuring a meal that is not only tasty but also healthy.

Trust our experience and dedication: choose the products of the Aldog® Grain Free and Low Grain line and prepare delicious lunches for your dog. He will let you know what he thinks!

Discover our gluten-free dog biscuits!

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