Natural cat kibbles

Alcat® Super Premium Quality offers natural kibble for cats that promote a complete and balanced diet depending on the size of each cat. This dry cat food is available in any size and for any need, use and consumption.

The proposed formulations are ideal for keeping your cat's body weight under control, also depending on age and habits. But not only that: a correct diet also contributes to counteract dental problems such as plaque, tartar and gingivitis.

All cat food AlcatⓇ Super Premium Quality 100% made in Italy and contain raw materials carefully selected which makes them completely natural.

Here are our products:


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5 products

Natural kibble for cats at every stage of growth

Cat kibbles Alcat® Super Premium Quality are a balanced and complete food because they contain all the necessary nutrients for the cat in the right proportions. In fact, the cat, to enjoy a good state of health, needs a diet that provides the correct amount of nutrients based on its stage of development.

Formulated by nutritionists, natural cat kibble Alcat® Super Premium Quality. They are a source of fats, vitamins and minerals that are suitable for:

  • kittens, which need a diet that promotes their correct growth
  • adult cats, who need to maintain their well-being and vitality
  • neutered cats, who need to stay healthy despite a more sedentary lifestyle


All our types of cat food

As already mentioned, the diet of cats depends a lot from their age. For this reason, it would be ideal to always buy some specific croquettesbased on your cat's needs, because generic ones may not be assimilated properly or may not meet the ideal energy requirement.

Precisely to meet the needs of cats at every stage of their growth, we have thought of a type of dry food diversified according to age.

Here is a brief overview of which natural cat food.

You may need:

  • Alcat® Kitten Chicken chicken-based, they are suitable for kittens (up to 12 months) of all breeds and sizes and are able to guarantee your puppy the nutrients necessary for thegrowth of healthy bonesand the perfect Muscle development;
  • Alcat® Adult Chicken chicken-based, they are designed for adult cats (>12 months) of all breeds and sizes and capable of guaranteeing all the nutrients necessary to maintain the your cat's vitality and his well being;
  • Alcat® Adult Sterilized Chicken chicken-based, they are perfect forneutered catsas they contain the nutrients necessary to keep the cat in perfect shape and health, despite his more sedentary life.
  • Alcat® Ocean, designed for those looking for a catmulti-protein dietfish-based, specifically enriched with salmon
  • Alcat® Sterilized Ocean, for those who wish to combine the taste and beneficial properties of salmon to a specific diet for neutered cats.

All these cat biscuits are gluten freeand contain only authentic regional ingredients as chicken,peas, beet And yucca, in addition to being completely natural and therefore safe for your cat.

Our products, furthermore, are 100% Made in Italy and this constitutes a further added value in terms of quality,which has always been our priority.


Alcat® Super Premium Quality Natural Cat Food

Cats are real gourmets, sometimes difficult to satisfy, who often like to have several snacks during the day. Cat food contains a percentage of water not exceeding 10%, for this reason they can be left at the cat's disposal without any problems, without worrying about them going bad.

All natural kibble AlcatⓇ Super Premium Qualitycontain the right amount of proteins, fats And fibersto respond to the different dietary needs of cats, while nutrients such as vitamins,fatty acids And mineralsThey serve to maintain the well being of the cat.

It is essential that cat food is always:

  • Rich in meat: since the cat is a carnivorous animal, it is important that meat is always present in its diet;
  • Complete: that is, with all the nutrients necessary for its well-being;
  • Balanced: that is, with the right amount of nutrients based on their needs. A kitten and an adult cat, for example, should not receive the same type of nutrition precisely because they are in two different growth phases
  • Digestible: thanks to the presence of fructooligosaccharides, for example, the bacterial flora it is perfectly balanced and the yucca schidigera helps reduce the odor of feces and litter.

Let's not forget that all these croquettes adopt a Gluten Free formula and are therefore also perfect for cats with food intolerances.

Preservative-free cat kibbles

It is essential for his health to give our cat quality food: with Alcat® Super Premium Quality you are sure to find cat kibbles without preservatives, but also without colorants.

In particular, our dry cat food:

  • it's a food complete and balanced
  • contains vitamins, mineral salts And proteins
  • guarantees vitality And well being in puppies
  • ensures intestinal well-being and maintenance of the bacterial flora in adult and older cats


WithAlcat® Super Premium Quality You will no longer need to worry about determining what is best for your cat, because Alcat® will do it for you and your pet. Your cat will always be protected by your care and nourished by recipes designed specifically for him.

Your cats are in good hands... try it and believe it!


The Benefits of Dry Cat Food

In summary, the nutrition of our pets should not be underestimated because their well-being also passes through it. In this sense, dry food for cats presents numerous advantages not to be underestimated:

  • there ease of use: can be left available to the cat without it deteriorating
  • there nutritional completeness: provides all the nutrients necessary for the cat's health
  • It is a healthy form of gymnastics for teeth and gums


Cat biscuits: practical tips for use

As we said, cats often like to snack several times during the day:Alcat® cat kibbles, in fact, are specifically designed for the needs of our four-legged friends. However, if you feel that your cat is not getting enough, we recommend:

  • check the quantity of kibble that you usually put in his bowl
  • prepare the water bowl next to the one with the kibble for the meal.

The cat should eat its dry food in slow way, alternating a drink between one portion and another: it is a very healthy habit that can have repercussions on the general well-being of the cat.

Discover all the packages of Alcat® Super Premium Quality dry cat food and choose the one that best suits your cat.

The best natural cat food by Alcat®

Alcat Sterilized Chicken it's the best seller of the Alcat® line, specifically designed for neutered cats. These natural kibble. They are in fact particularly appreciated for their ability to maintain the ideal weight of the cat. Thanks to the optimal balance between proteins and fats.

Made with high quality ingredients such as chicken, these croquettes offer a digestible and grain-free solution, ideal for cats with food sensitivities. Furthermore, they contribute to the digestive health and are enriched with:

  • Fructooligosaccharides, which support the health of the intestinal flora
  • Yucca schidigera, which helps reduce feces and litter box odor, contributing to a more pleasant home environment.

One last significant advantage of these natural cat food is the flexibility in purchasing options. They are available in bags of8 kg, 400 gr and 1.5 kg, allowing you to choose the quantity best suited to your cat's needs.

Why choose Alcat® natural cat food?

All the ingredients contained in our kibbles have regional origin and are therefore totally Italians. This represents a huge advantage not only from a qualitative point of view, in fact Italian legislation means that these products are subject to very precise controls, but it also allows to promote the territorial development and of shorten the production chain, thus leading to a more “green” benefit.

Are you interested in our kibble to make your dog healthier and happier? Ask us more!