Payment Methods
Credit card
Every purchase is made with maximum security thanks to the use of the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) payment circuit to protect your personal data and credit card information from unauthorized access.
After confirming your order through the site, you will be directed to the secure SSL servers that will handle the transaction with all major credit cards.
The credit cards accepted are: American Express, Maestro, MasterCard and Visa.
Once your order is complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing your order number and a summary of your purchase details. Remember that you can check the status of your order at any time in the "My Account" section of your account.
PayPal account
Pay conveniently and safely by accessing your PayPal account. After confirming your order through the site, you will be directed to PayPal's secure servers, where you can access your account and pay via your remaining credit or via your linked account.
Once your order is complete, you will receive a confirmation email containing your order number and a summary of your purchase details. Remember that you can check the status of your order at any time in the " My Account " section of your account.
Bank transfer
By choosing this payment method, once the order has been placed it is necessary to follow the following procedure (reported via email at the time of order confirmation): the reason to be reported on the bank transfer must indicate the order number and the bank transfer must be made in favour of:
Bank: Cooperative Credit Bank of Oglio and Serio
IBAN: IT18 O085 1452 9500 0000 0007 688
Banking practice requires that the bank transfer made be credited to the beneficiary's current account no earlier than 1/3 working days after its execution, consequently to these days must be added the days between the date of placing the order and the date on which the Customer will arrange the bank transfer.
If 10 days have elapsed from the date of acceptance of the order and Eurocereali Pesenti Srl has not received the bank transfer credit, the same will cancel the order.
Remember that you can check the status of your order at any time in the " My Account " section of your account.