How to Read a Kibble Label Without Mistakes

Apr 21, 2022
Come leggere l’etichetta delle crocchette senza sbagliare

The information on the kibble packaging is essential to make a correct evaluation of the product, but often their interpretation is not so simple. Today we see how to read the kibble label without making mistakes.

How many times have you found yourself unable to understand how much food to give your furry friend or the exact composition of the kibble? Today we will see together what is the important information to take into consideration and how to read the kibble label in the right way!

What to read on the kibble label: basic information

Before understanding how to read the label of kibble, it is important to know what to read. Always remember that by law the manufacturer is required to declare a series of information regarding the composition of the product. It is not essential to analyze them all when choosing the food, but for a good evaluation it is necessary to take into consideration the following:

Category and age of the animal : in addition to the banal distinction between dog food and cat food, in the category you can find information about the presence or absence of gluten in the kibble or the fact that they are specifically formulated for dogs or cats with digestive difficulties or intolerances . The second distinction refers to the age of the animal (puppy, adult, senior) and therefore allows you to select the most suitable kibble for your four-legged friend in that specific stage of development.

  • Complete or complementary food? Pay attention to the terminology: a complete food is a product that contains everything necessary to satisfy the nutritional needs of the animal, while a complementary food must be integrated with different food to ensure your furry friend a satisfying diet.
  • Analytical components of the product : these are all the nutritional properties contained in the kibble expressed in percentage. The most important to take into consideration are: crude proteins , crude fibres , crude ash (i.e. mineral salts), carbohydrates and fats. Obviously the ideal is to opt for natural dog kibble , which is healthier and more balanced.
  • List of ingredients, listed in decreasing order. The first ingredient that appears is the one present in the greatest quantity in the product, exactly as for any other food.

Obviously, the information on the kibble label is much more than this, but with these first tips you will already be perfectly able to evaluate the different products in the right way, giving your furry friend the perfect meal.

How to Read a Kibble Label Right

Let's see now how to read the label of the kibble without making mistakes. On all Aldog® products there is a table called "Recommended daily ration" and it contains all the information on how many kibbles to give to the dog expressed in grams to administer every day to the dog based on the age, the weight of the adult dog and its lifestyle.

Recommended daily ration for adult dogs

Let's see the table with the recommended daily rations of the Aldog® Pork product.

The values ​​in the first column are expressed in Kg and refer to the weight of the adult dog . The values ​​in the other columns refer to the quantity in grams of food to be given to the dog based on its lifestyle .

If in this case reading the table is quite intuitive, let's see how to proceed in the case of puppy biscuits.

Recommended daily ration for puppy dog

This is the table with the recommended daily rations of the Aldog® Puppy-Junior Pork product for puppies and as you can see, things seem to get complicated.

Don't worry, it's much easier than it seems.

In the first column on the left we find the age in months of the puppies (2 months, 3 months, 5 months etc.). The values ​​reported in bold on the first horizontal line instead refer to the weight in Kg of the adult dog and therefore the weight that it is estimated that the puppy will reach once grown.

All other values ​​entered in the table refer to the quantity of food in grams to be given to your puppy daily.

Let's take an example to understand better!

If your puppy is now 3 months old, and it is estimated that he will weigh 15 kg when he becomes an adult, the daily ration of food to be administered will be 235g. Easy, right?

Now that you have the right key to understand how to read the label of the kibble without making mistakes, all you have to do is take a look at our Aldog® products and choose the one that is most suitable for your dogs!

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