Hunting Dog Food: Which Is Best?

The hunting dog is a true sportsman: genetics and training certainly help, but food gives an extra boost. In fact, to grow and stay healthy and active, hunting dogs need a healthy and above all balanced diet. An example? Aldog 111/A® Premium Quality kibble, complete and from a traceable Italian supply chain, is among the best foods for hunting dogs.
The essential characteristic of food for hunting dogs is that it is highly energetic and that it contains all the nutritional elements in the correct proportions , such as proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
A dog's daily diet is composed of 20% animal proteins ; this percentage also increases to 30%-32% in the case of hunting dogs because physical activity requires a greater energy intake and, consequently, specific foods.
The best food for hunting dogs, therefore, contains more meat than normal commercial kibble both because it gives animals a higher calorie intake, but with a smaller quantity of food, and because the meat helps to rebuild muscle tissue that can be damaged due to microtraumas during physical activity.
Other important sources of energy are the crude proteins contained in corn and the essential fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6
Of course, this is a general discussion, because depending on the specific needs, even the food for hunting dogs can vary. For example, in the case of extreme activities at very low temperatures, the diet of hunting dogs must be integrated with many calories from meat and fat; in the case of competitions, such as national hunting and research championships, it is necessary to consider the stress of travel that sometimes causes diarrhea or weight loss.
Aldog 111/A® is a line of food for hunting and breeding dogs specifically designed to meet their specific nutritional needs. They are medium-sized kibbles in 15 kg bags produced with:
Aldog 111/A® presents two different types of food for hunting dogs : Vitality and Power.
Do you have hunting dogs? Choose a healthy, complete and balanced diet!
Ideal for hunting and agility dogs, Vitality pork-based kibbles allow our friends to quickly recover energy and are easily digestible. In addition to flaked cereals, they contain liver protectors such as Choline Chloride and intestinal probiotics such as FOS (a mix of fructo-oligosaccharides based on chicory inulin).
The increased protein and fat content compared to the 111/A® Adult reference means that the 111/A® Power kibble satisfies the energy needs of hunting, active and sporting dogs without the need to feed overly abundant meals.
Furthermore, like the best hunting dog foods, they are easily digestible and contain Choline Chloride, which also promotes the assimilation of fats and prevents excess deposits in the liver.
We have seen that hunting dogs need a specific diet to ensure they get the best possible energy and keep them healthy and fit.
But be careful : in addition to what you feed him, how is also important!
Here are some tips on how to manage your hunting dog's diet in the delicate transition to the phase of greatest activity :
The change must be gradual : if hunting season is upon us, start slowly changing your dog's diet, giving his gastrointestinal system time to get used to the new diet;
Do not overdo the quantities : excessive doses of food could lead to an overweight condition that is harmful for the dog;
Make sure the diet is always balanced but above all in line with the dog's age, weight, activity level and even the season of the year!
Choose quality! Discover the best hunting dog food now!